Dr. Rajendra Latkar
Orthopaedic Surgeon
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Address Info :Aundh Pune, Maharashtra 411007
M. B. B. S., M. S.(Ortho), D.(Ortho) D. N. B.(Ortho)
- Dr. Rajendra Latkar has passed out from the prestigious Byramjee Jeejeebhoy Government Medical College and Sassoon General Hospital, Pune.
- He has been practicing in Aundh, Pune since last 28 years.
- He has completed Johnson & Johnson Fellowship in Joint Replacement surgery and Basic & Advanced AO Trauma for management of routine and difficult fractures.
- He has presented many papers in various national conferences.
- He has published papers in various national and international journals.
- He has done a large number of Ilizarov surgeries for complex deformities and non-union of fractures.
- He is an author of a chapter in Textbook of Orthopaedics.
- He has worked as a lecturer with teaching experience for undergraduate and post graduate students for 4 years.